Tips On Travelling With A Disability - Part Two

Tips and tricks on travelling with varying abilities could fill a 1000 page book I'm sure, and just when we think we had it all covered new technology would come out and so would new ideas. In the meantime, I, like others, use shared and newly created tips to help us get the most out of any experience. Here are a few more that I have picked up from others and my travels. I do hope you will find some use in at least one idea.Communication is vital.As I stated in 9 Tips On Travelling with A Disability Part 1, don't be shy in asking questions and enforcing your needs. Get ALL acknowledgements of accommodation, hiring and mode of travel in writing and check the day or week before you leave.Airline Specifications in writingWhen flying, make sure the airline has all your specifications and notes regarding:Transferring- Describe how you need to transfer from your device to the plane.Dimensions- Advise the dimensions (when adjusted to fit under the hold), and weight of your devices. Kellie L from The Accessible Group encountered a problem with Virgin who incorrectly noted her scooter weight at booking, and she wasn't able to have it delivered to the plane on arrival.

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