Tips For Support Coordinators When Organising Accessible Travel For People With Disabilities

Tips For Support Coordinators When Organising Accessible Travel For People With DisabilitiesTravel for people with disabilities can be a daunting and fearful experience, but it does not need to be this way. In fact, it should be a joyful experience, and if you are entrusted with assisting a person with a disability plan their travel, be it for a holiday or for respite, here are some things to consider.  

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NDIS Short Term Accommodation (STA) Funding - How It Works

NDIS Short-Term Accommodation (STA) Funding - How It WorksShort-Term Accommodation (STA), including respite, is funding for a short time away from your usual home. It can be utilised to support you when your usual carers aren’t available, your usual carers need a short break from their caring role or for you to try new things.STA funding covers the cost of your care in another place for up to 14 days at a time. You might have a short stay with other people, or by yourself.The benefits of a short stay away from home include:gives you the opportunity to explore new activities and experiencescreating opportunities to make new friends and develop new skills.assisting in maintaining your current living situation by giving your informal support network a well-deserved break.STA funding covers the following:

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Supportive Resources for Caregivers: A Resource Guide from Accessible Accommodation

Supportive Resources for Caregivers: A Resource Guide from Accessible Accommodation's Guest Contributor, Elder SparkIn a lot of ways, caregivers are unsung heroes in their communities. Devoting your time to the well-being of someone — no matter their age — who can’t always navigate daily activities on their own can be both physically and mentally exhausting some days.Still, being a caregiver to someone with a disability is incredibly rewarding. Our mission at Accessible Accommodation is to help individuals with disabilities thrive no matter where their travels take them. With that in mind, our guest blogger Janet Campbell (the creator of Elder Spark), has put together a resource list that we hope will help caregivers take care of themselves as well as those they support.10 Things to Consider Before Becoming Your Parent’s CaregiverFor those considering becoming a caregiver for their parent or another senior loved one, it’s important to think about the full reality of what it will entail. This guide lays out the considerations adult children should make.Carer burnout is preventablePreventing Caregiver BurnoutCaregiver stress is a huge risk. This article offers insight on the signs of burnout and self-care tips for coping with this high-pressure job.Caring for a Senior With Alzheimer's At Home: Tips & StrategiesCaregiving for someone with Alzheimer’s is a huge undertaking. This guide discusses what it entails and is a helpful resource for anyone considering taking on the role themselves or hiring a professional.

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How To ACCESS Short & Medium-Term Accessible Accommodation Through NDIS (Part 1)

NDIS (STA) Short Term and (MTA) Mid Term Accessible Accommodation through The NDIS. Thankfully the Australian Government’s NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency)  through the NDIS (National  Disability Insurance Scheme) recognises the need for people with disability, their Carers or Support Workers - to access inclusively designed accessible accommodation. As a result, it has added short and medium-term accessible accommodation as a potential service to be included within individual plans. (Formerly known as Respite). However, at Accessible Accommodation, we know that this service is not widely known, and the details of what it can provide are often misunderstood. This blog – the first in a two-part series – will help to clarify if you might be eligible to have it included in your NDIS plan, and how to apply and use the funding if you tick the boxes.We will demystify the questions surrounding NDIS funded short-term and medium-term accessible accommodation, but are always available to answer questions over the phone via 1300 180 889.

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